Size: 2.42 MB
Downloads: 2005
Platform: Windows All
If your work involves planing radio and satellite communications systems, TxPlan will make your job a bit easier. This lightweight application illustrates frequencies and frequency ranges in simple carrier frequency layout diagrams, which makes them easier to visualize. Of course, the application serves other purposes as well. For example, it can be of significant help in squeezing frequencies together, to reduce satellite lease bandwidth. It looks and feels quite simple, but the software can prove to be quite valuable in various situations.
TxPlan comes in free and paid versions, the latter of which has more features to offer. Regardless of your choice, downloading and installing the application shouldn't take more than a minute, even on older computers. The application doesn't require any third-party tools or services, and it doesn't have a significant impact on your hardware's performance.
The application's primary purpose is to show frequencies in a chart, directly on its main user interface. If you have a list of carriers, along with their frequencies, written down in a plain text document, you can import that file, and the application will represent them in the chart right away. By default, the software will display frequencies from 3000 MHz to 300.000 MHz, but you can set a different spectrum in its general settings menu, where you can make other visual tweaks as well, including different colors and fonts.
Carrier frequencies can be added from other sources as well, besides text files. For example, you can add them from fixed bandwidth or symbol rate values, FEC and modulation calculations, spectral efficiency calculations and more. However, these advanced methods are available only in the software's Pro edition. Fortunately, even if you stay with the text document approach, you will still be able to enjoy some advanced features, due to the way TxPlan extracts the information from your text files.
An efficient and cost-effective radio and satellite communication system is exactly what TxPlan can help you achieve.
The software can extract frequencies from a plain text document and display them in a chart. It can help you visualize the effects of passing signals through frequency converters, squeeze frequencies to reduce lease costs and more.
The application works only with digitally modulated carriers.
TxPlan Awards

TxPlan Editor’s Review Rating
TxPlan has been reviewed by Frederick Barton on 18 Jun 2019. Based on the user interface, features and complexity, Findmysoft has rated TxPlan 5 out of 5 stars, naming it Essential